Why are the three seconds before and after the traffic light switching dangerous?

Road traffic lights are used to assign effective right of way to conflicting traffic flows to improve road traffic safety and road capacity. Traffic lights generally consist of red lights, green lights and yellow lights. A red light means no passage, a green light means permission, and a yellow light means warning. We should pay attention to the time before and after switching when watching the road traffic lights. Why? Now let’s analyze for you.

Three seconds before and after the switching of traffic lights is a “high risk moment”. It is not only the last two seconds of green lights that are very dangerous. In fact, three seconds before and after the switching of traffic lights are high risk moments. This signal light conversion includes three situations: green light turns yellow, yellow light turns red, and red light turns green. Among them, the “crisis” is the biggest when the yellow light appears. The yellow light lasts only about 3 seconds. In order to prevent the exposure of the electronic police, the drivers who run the yellow light are bound to increase their speed. In an emergency, they are very easy to neglect observation, which greatly increases the probability of accidents.


 Green light yellow light red light

“Running the yellow light” is relatively easy to cause accidents. Generally, after the green light ends, the yellow light can become a red light. Therefore, the yellow light is used as the transition from green light to red light, which is generally 3 seconds. The last 3 seconds before the green light turns yellow, plus 3 seconds of the yellow light, which is only 6 seconds, are the most likely to cause traffic accidents. The main reason is that pedestrians or drivers go to seize the last few seconds and forcibly cross the intersection.

Red light – green light: entering the intersection with a certain speed is easy to rear end turning vehicles

In general, the red light does not need to go through the yellow light transition, and directly changes to the green light. The signal lights in many places count down. Many drivers like to stop at a red light a few meters or more from the stop line. When the red light is about 3 seconds away, they start ahead and rush forward. In just a few seconds, they can speed up to more than 40 kilometers per hour and cross the intersection in an instant. In fact, this is very dangerous, because the car has entered the intersection at a certain speed, and in case the left turning car has not finished, it is easy to directly hit.

Post time: Sep-16-2022