Special features of traffic signal control systems

The traffic signal control system is composed of road traffic signal controller, road traffic signal lights, traffic flow detection equipment, communication equipment, control computer and related equipment.
It is composed of software, etc., and is used for the system of road traffic signal control.
The special functions of the traffic signal control system are as follows:
1. Bus signal priority control
It can support the functions of information collection, processing, scheme configuration and operation status monitoring related to the priority control of special bus signals. By setting the green light to extend and the red light to shorten
Short, insert the bus-specific phase, skip the phase and other methods to realize the priority of the bus signal release.
2. Steerable lane control
It can support functions such as variable guide lane indication sign device information configuration, variable lane control scheme configuration and running status monitoring, etc.
It can realize the coordinated control of variable-guided lane indication signs and traffic lights.
3. Tidal lane control
It can support functions such as related equipment information configuration, tidal lane scheme configuration and running status monitoring, through manual switching, timing switching, adaptive switching, etc.
It can realize the coordinated control of the related equipment of the tidal lane and the traffic lights.
4. Tram priority control
It can support functions such as information collection, processing, priority scheme configuration and running status monitoring related to tram priority control.
Short, insert phase, skip phase and other methods to realize the priority release of tram signals.
5. Ramp signal control
It can support functions such as ramp signal control scheme setting and running status monitoring, and realize ramp signal through manual switching, timing switching, adaptive switching, etc.
number control.
6. Priority control of emergency vehicles
It can support functions such as emergency vehicle information configuration, emergency plan setting, and operation status monitoring.
Seek response and realize signal priority release.
7. Supersaturation optimization control
It can support functions such as control scheme configuration and operation status monitoring, and perform signal optimization control by adjusting the supersaturated flow direction scheme of intersections or sub-zones.

Post time: Jun-29-2022