First Commendation Conference for Employees’ Children

The first commendation meeting for the college entrance examination of the children of Qixiang Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd. employees was grandly held at the company headquarters. This is a momentous occasion when the achievements and hard work of employees’ children are celebrated and recognized. Mr. Li, a labor union employee of the group, three outstanding students, the process manager and chairman of the foreign trade department of the group, and even Mrs. Chairman and many other celebrities attended the event.

First Commendation Conference for Employees' Children

Mr. Li delivered an inspiring speech as a trade union representative, expressing his recognition for the dedication and persistence of the employees’ children. He highlighted the importance of education and how it plays a key role in shaping the future of young generations. Mr. Li expressed his appreciation for the outstanding performance of the three outstanding students and encouraged other students to follow their example.

The process manager of the foreign trade department of the company’s high-level figure group also came on stage. He commended the students for their commitment to academic excellence and encouraged them to continue to pursue knowledge in their chosen fields. His speech resonated with the young audience and inspired them to work hard.

One of the highlights of this event was the speech by the chairman of Qixiang Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd.. He expressed great pride and satisfaction with the achievements of the employees’ children. The chairman emphasized that education is the foundation of success, and promised to continue to support the education of employees and their families.

To everyone’s surprise, Mrs. Chairman, who seldom appears in public, graced the event by attending in person. Her visit proves that the company attaches great importance to the education of employees’ children. She spoke passionately about the importance of education in shaping society’s future and thanked her staff for their unwavering loyalty.

Qixiang Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd.

The commendation conference came to an end, and the atmosphere was filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride. The event serves as a reminder of the importance of education and Qixiang Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd.’s unwavering support for its employees and their families. The recognition ceremony is not only a celebration of academic achievements but also the company’s commitment to cultivating talents and creating a better future for employees and their children.

Post time: Aug-22-2023